LuxLife App Design

Solidifying My Design Process


This has been one of my favorite projects I’ve worked on so far. In September 2022 I was approached by the founder of LuxLife to join the team as a product designer. She already had the idea and a rough design. My fellow team members and I were tasked with redesigned what the founder had already, as well as completing the app design, testing it and designing websites to promote the app. This project was a great learning experience. Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, LuxLife didn’t make it all the way to launch. 

The Details

Here are all the details of this project.

  • My Role

    Product Designer, UX Design, UX Research, Information Architecture, Prototyping, Web Design and Setup

  • The Tools I Used

    Figma, Slack, Google Meets, Zoom, Jira

  • The Timeline

    September 2022 - August 2023

Designing The Users’ Onboarding Experience

The Users’ Intro To The App

I researched what other apps did to introduce their users to their apps. I planned out the content I needed to include. This ended up being 3 screens worth of content. Then I sketched out those 3 screens. After that, I turned those sketches into mock-ups. We brainstormed the copy as a team.

A Way To Verify Our Users Are Real

We realized after working on this app for about a month, that we needed a way to verify that our users are who they say they are. We decided to verify their phone number. I researched competitor solutions, sketched the screens and then created the mock-ups.

Redesigning The Visual Design Of The Onboarding Screens

Over the course of the months that we worked on this app, we ended up changing our visual direction. Since we started with the onboarding screens, they were now outdated. I worked on redesigning the visual design of these screens with my fellow product designer.

Designing An Overlay

Users Needed A Clear Introduction To How To Use The App

I started this part of the design by research what others did for their apps. I then planned out what information I needed to include and how many parts that would take. I sketched out a screen for this content and turned those sketches into mock-ups. During the process of deciding on colors for this part of the app, my coworker suggested doing this as an overlay instead of more screens. After looking into it, we decided this was a better idea. So, I turned the screens into an overlay that would show up the first time the user goes to the deck screen.

The Discover Screens

The Discover Screens

The idea behind the discover screens was to give our users a way to connect on a deeper level without leaving our app. We wanted to provide an easy way for users to find places to meet up in real life and things to do.

What User Testing Showed Us

The Discover Screens

Top Navigation

We originally only had navigation on the top with a hamburger menu. After testing and feedback, we decided to have navigation on both the top and the bottom. So it took less work to navigate.

Bottom Navigation

We added navigation on the bottom after testing and feedback. We added the 5 main screens to a bar on the bottom so that it was easy for the user to switch back and forth.

What I Learned

I learned an incredible amount while working on this project.

  • I learned so much more about design, research and testing.
  • I also gained a lot of experience with working with developers and getting my designs ready to pass on to them.